Wednesday, February 19, 2025

DOWNLOAD From Democrat to Republican: A Southern Black Woman's Journey to Freedom

Real Unity Training Solutions

Dr. Carol Swain

carol m. swain

Born into abject poverty in rural southwest Virginia, Dr. Carol Swain, a high school dropout, went on to earn five degrees. Holding a Ph.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.S.L. from Yale, she also earned early tenure at Princeton and full professorship at Vanderbilt where she was a professor of political science and a professor of law. Today, she is a sought-after cable news contributor and guest expert, a best-selling author, and a prominent national speaker.

In addition to three Presidential appointments, Carol is a former Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies with the Texas Public Policy Foundation who has also served on the Tennessee Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the 1776 Commission.

An award-winning political scientist, cited three times by the U.S. Supreme Court, she has authored or edited 11 published books including the bestseller, Black Eye for America: How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House and the timely Countercultural Living: What Jesus Has to Say About Life, Marriage, Race, Gender, and Materialism.

Ms. Swain is an expert on critical race theory, American politics, and race relations with television appearances that include BBC Radio and TV, CSPAN, ABC’s Headline News, CNN, Fox News, Newsmax and more.

In addition, she has published opinion pieces in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, the Epoch Times, The Financial Times and USA Today.

She is the founder and CEO of Carol Swain Enterprises, REAL Unity Training Solutions, Your Life Story for Descendants, and her non-profit, Be The People.

Carol is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. She resides in Nashville, Tennessee.

Click here to access Dr. Swain’s CV.

Strong Christian Beliefs

I am a follower of Jesus Christ who believes that faith in Him should be evidenced by a lifestyle that reveals his influence on our lives. I honor and respect the wisdom of God’s Word as revealed through the Scriptures found in the Old and New Testaments of the Judeo-Christian Bible.

I believe our nation has been exceptional throughout the centuries, because of the wisdom and faith of the Founding Fathers who sought to establish an everlasting covenant with the God of Israel. Their wisdom is found in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. If America is to survive as a nation, we must rediscover our roots and unite as one people. We must recognize that multiculturalism and identity politics fuels division and divisiveness. As Matthew 12: 25-27 suggests, a house divided against itself cannot stand.


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