Tuesday, March 25, 2025

DOWNLOAD From Democrat to Republican: A Southern Black Woman's Journey to Freedom

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The Gay Affair: Harvard, Plagiarism, and the Death of Academic Integrity

Claudine Gay’s resignation on January 2, 2024, as Harvard University’s first Black president, after only six months on the job, sent shock waves across the world. However, it did not shock anyone closely following her situation. Gay stepped down less than a month after giving disastrous testimony in Congress about her university’s laissez-faire approach to protecting Jews on campus from rising expressions of antisemitism that followed Hamas’s terrorist attacks on Israel. A double-whammy occurred when it was reported that Gay had committed serial plagiarism involving her 1997 PhD dissertation completed while a student at Harvard and in other published works.

Among those whose work Gay pilfered was Dr. Carol Swain, author of the ground-breaking 1993 book Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress. In The Gay Affair, Dr. Swain offers a candid, compelling narrative about Gay, Harvard, academic plagiarism, and how she (Swain) was rebuffed and threatened financially when she attempted to seek a legal remedy from Harvard officials. For an insider’s look into the world of elite institutional academia and how corners often get cut, Swain’s The Gay Affair is a no-nonsense must-read.

The Adversity of Diversity: How the Supreme Court's Decision to Remove Race from College Admissions Criteria Will Doom Diversity Programs

When the US Supreme Court announced its landmark 6-3 decision to take race out of the equation for college and university admissions, it did more than just bring Affirmative Action in higher education to a screeching halt. It also fired a warning shot across the bow of businesses and governmental agencies across America: the days for workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEl) programs that violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment have an expiration date. In The Adversity of Diversity, award-winning political scientist Carol M. Swain and collaborator Mike Towle offer an insightful look at DEl's inception and evolution into a billion-dollar industry. Swain and Towle explain why DEl's days are numbered, and how we as a people can move beyond divisiveness toward the unity promised by our nation's motto, E Pluribus Unum, "out of many, one."

Countercultural Living: What Jesus Has to Say About Life, Marriage, Race, Gender, and Materialism

Consulting Jesus on how to find eternal life is common. But what relevance do Jesus’ teachings have for contemporary life? When it comes to core worldview topics such as human life, marriage, and race, should it be Christ or culture that decides our convictions? Can we really find intelligent answers to contemporary quandaries in the ancient teachings of Jesus? In Countercultural Living, Carol Swain confronts cultural consensus with the countercultural and surprisingly compelling teachings of Jesus. If you want to find clarity on tough questions and to build your convictions on Jesus’ teachings, you will value Swain’s insightful, practical, and, at times, autobiographical survey of these important topics from a biblical perspective.

Black Eye for America: How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House

In schools and workplaces across the US, Americans are being indoctrinated with a divisive, anti-American ideology: Critical Race Theory (CRT). Based in cultural Marxism, CRT bullies and demonizes whites while infantilizing and denying agency to blacks, creating a deep racial rift. As Abraham Lincoln famously observed, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” CRT aims to divide the American nation against itself and burn down the house. In Black Eye for America, the authors expose the true nature of CRT and offer concrete solutions for taking back the country’s stolen institutions.

The 1776 Report

The 1776 Report is the official report of The President's Advisory 1776 Commission. Submitted to the President and released as a public document on January 18, 2021, the report explains the core principles of the American founding and how they have shaped American history, considers the leading challenges to these principles at home and abroad, and calls on all Americans to “restore our national unity by rekindling a brave and honest love for our country and by raising new generations of citizens who not only know the self-evident truths of our founding, but act worthy of them.”

Be the People: A Call to Reclaim America's Faith and Promise

An insightful analysis of the forces of deception rapidly reshaping America's morals, social policies, and culture, with a call to specific action, written by a thoughtful and courageous Christian social scientist on the front lines of today's issues.

Debating Immigration: Second Edition (2018)

Debating Immigration presents twenty-one original and updated essays, written by some of the world's leading experts and pre-eminent scholars that explore the nuances of contemporary immigration in the United States and Europe.

Study Guide for Abduction: How Liberalism Steals Our Children's Hearts and Minds

This is a resource guide for individuals and organizations who would like to use Abduction for book clubs, classes, and small group settings. Group leaders can select one or more questions or exercises from each chapter for weekly discussion or they can modify the questions to make them more suitable.

Abduction: How Liberalism Steals Our Children's Hearts And Minds

The authors sound an Amber Alert for the souls of America's youth. They expose how the liberal Left seeks to brainwash our kids for their political gain.

Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress

Through analysis of both black and white members of Congress, Black Faces, Black Interests challenges the proposition that only African Americans can represent black interests effectively and argues for black and white representatives to form coalitions to better serve their constituents.

The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration

Over the past ten years, a new white nationalist movement has gained strength in America, bringing with it the potential to disrupt already fragile race relations. Eschewing violence, this movement seeks to expand its influence mainly through argument and persuasion directed at its target audience of white Americans aggrieved over racial double standards, race-based affirmative action policies, high black-on-white crime rates, and liberal immigration policies.

Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America

This book presents ten alarmingly candid interviews by some of the most prominent members of what co-editors Carol M. Swain and Russ Nieli warn is a growing White Nationalist movement. The ten people interviewed in this volume make statements that are sure to shock, amuse, challenge, and provoke readers.