Moms on a Mission Podcast is thrilled to host Dr. Carol Swain who went from abject poverty and dropping out of school at a young age to obtaining five degrees and earned an early tenure at Princeton and full professorship at Vanderbilt where she was a professor of political science and law. Dr. Swain discusses her new book, “The Adversity of Diversity- How Real Unity Training Can Promote Healing in a Post-Affirmative Action World” and educates us about how DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) does not actually mean what those words actually mean. She expounds saying that it is a derivative of Affirmative Action and Affirmative Action programs started shortly after The Civil Rights Act of 1964 not even giving The Civil Rights Act a chance to work. She warns CEO’s that with the Supreme Court striking down Affirmative Action programs in colleges, a precedent has now been set and businesses will possibly now be experiencing lawsuits. She concludes by talking about her new consulting company called, “Carol Swain’s Real Unity Training Solutions” where she helps assist companies with customizable real unity models.